Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim
In the Name of ALLAH, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful


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Assalaamou'alaikum. This site has been set up to meet the demand of students opting for Islamic Studies at SC and HSC levels. At the same time it deals with the Madhhab and Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah along side with the activities of Al Madina Masjid La Butte Port Louis, Republic of Mauritius.

O you who believe obey Allah and obey the messenger and those who are in authority among you.
Perform Swalaat from the declining of the sun till the darkness of the night.
Fasting has been made obligatory upon you.
Spend your wealth for the cause of Allah.
Perform the pilgrimage and the visit for Allah.

port-louis, mauritius
swalaat times

Saturday, 27/07/2024
Fajr 05:26
Sunrise 06:36
Zuhr 12:13
Asr 16:03
Maghrib 17:40
Isha 18:53

Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah Category

Click below to download:

Simple Daily Wazeefa PDF

1 section to read in the morning + 1 section to read in the evening + 1 section to read at any available / free time.

February 19 , 2023 | | In: Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, Monthly Booklet

Du’a et Wazifah Matin Et Soir

Al Madina Masjid, La Butte. Booklet No. 41 Click to Download Du’a et Wazifah Matin et Soir

December 14 , 2022 | | In: Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah

‘Aqeedah At Twahaawiyyah

Audio de 10 Minutes En Creole Audio No. 1 Audio No. 13 Audio No. 25 Audio No. 37 Audio No. 2 Audio No. 14 Audio No. 26 Audio No. 38 Audio No. 3 Audio No. 15 Audio No. 27 Audio No. 39 Audio No. 4 Audio No. 16 Audio No. 28 Audio No. 40 Audio Read the Rest…

September 2 , 2022 | | In: Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah

Tafsir of The Qur’an

Click to Download : Asbab Al-Nuzul Tafsir Ibn Abbas Tafsir Jalalain Tafsir kashani Tafsir kashf ul Asrar Tafsir Qushayri Tafsir Tustari Tafsir Ibn Kathir 10 Vol Tafsir Qurtubi Vol 1 Tafsir Qurtubi Vol 2 Tafsir Qurtubi Vol 3 Tafsir Qurtubi Vol 4 Secrets Within the Order of the Quran

Al Madina Masjid La Butte Booklet No. 36 Click to download : ‘ilm ul Ghaib de Rasouloullaah (s) 2eme Partie

Click to download … Hanafi Fiqh : Hanafi-Fiqh-Made-Easy Hanafi-Mukhtasar-Al-Quduri Hanafi-Fiqh-Al-Imam Hanafi-Bahare-Shariat-Vol-1 Hanafi-Bahare-Shariat-Vol-2 Hanafi-Bahare-Shariat-Vol-3 Hanafi-Bahare-Shariat-Vol-4 Hanafi-Bahare-Shariat-Vol-5 Hanafi-Bahare-Shariat-Vol-16 Hanafi-Ahkaame-Shariah-Part1 Hanafi-Ahkaame-Shariah-Part2and3 Maliki Fiqh : Maliki-akhdari-saidy Maliki-Ar-Risalah Maliki-fiqh-al-izziyyah Maliki-Fundamental-Principles Maliki-fiqh-characteristics Shafi’i Fiqh : Shafi’i-al-maqasid Shafi’i-Al-Risalah-Al-Jamiah Shafi’i-elements-of-fiqh Shafi’i-reliance-complete Shafi’i-safinat-al-naja Hambali Fiqh : Hambali-A-Guide-Book Hambali-Fiqh-of-Worship Hambali-Introduction-Usool Hambali-Umdat-Al-Fiqh

April 3 , 2022 | | In: Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah

Tasbih Taraweeh

Click to download Tasbih du Taraweeh en Creole Tasbih of Tarawih in English

Al Madina Masjid Monthly Booklet No. 35 Click to download Ilm-ul-Ghaib de Rasouloullaah (s) 1ere Partie

April 19 , 2019 | | In: Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, Monthly Booklet

Visite Qabarastan (Ziyaarat) (Swafar 1440)

Al Madina Masjid Booklet No. 32

Jumu’ah Bayaan Video By Imaam Abdul Majeed at Al Madina Masjid

Jumu’ah speech by Imaam Abdul Majeed Jumu’ah speech 15 shabaan 1438 12 May 2017 by Imaam Abdul Majeed

Message of Imaam Abdul Majeed on Shabe Baraat

Read during Igyaarween Shareef on monthly basis (if desired). Share: Khatmé Qaadiriyyah In Arabic And Transliteration

April 28 , 2017 | | In: Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, Monthly Booklet

Ki nous lire dans swalaat Rajab 1438

Al Madina Masjid La Butte Monthly Booklet: Download, Study and Share: Ki nous lire dans swalaat Rajab 1438

For the Faatiha of Sayyiduna Imaam Ja’far As Swadiq (ra) Listen and Share

Booklet for the month of Jamadal Aakhir 1438 Download, Study and Share La Loi Tilaawat Dans Swalaat Jamadal Aakhir 1438

Download, Study and Share: Al Madina Masjid Dars No 24 Date 12 Avril 2017

April 9 , 2017 | | In: Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah, Monthly Booklet

La Loi Tajweed Jamadal Awwal 1438

You can download and share: La Loi Tajweed Jamadal Awwal 1438

This will deal with the proofs from Qur’an and Hadith on Majlis / Halaqah Its Permissibility Under Different Perspectives. It is meant for all those who want proof ONLY from Qur’an and Hadith. Click below to download: Majlis Or Halaqah Its Permissibility Under Different Perspectives  

April 19 , 2014 | | In: Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah

‘Ilm ul Ghaib Of Our Nabi Muhammad (s.a.w)

This will deal with the proofs from Qur’an and Hadith on the ‘Ilm ul Ghaib of our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w). It is meant for all those who want proof ONLY from Qur’an and Hadith. Click below to download: ‘Ilm ul Ghaib of Our Nabi Muhammad (s.a.w)  

April 6 , 2014 | | In: Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah

Musnad Ahmad bin Hambal

This will deal with the 3 volumes of Musnad of Hazrat Ahmad bin Hambal in Arabic – English languages. Musnad Ahmad bin Hambal Vol 1 Musnad Ahmad bin Hambal Vol 2 Musnad Ahmad bin Hambal Vol 3

April 3 , 2014 | | In: Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah

Some Books Of Imaam Ahmad Raza Khan

The following will access you to some of the Books of Ala Hazrat (ra). Click below to download: Ahkaam ush Shari’ah Part 1 Ahkaam ush Shari’ah Part 2 & 3 Reciting Adhan at the graveyard Condemnation of the Shi’a Warding off the foulness in understanding the time Esaale Sawaab 40 hadith on intercession Hussam al Read the Rest…

April 2 , 2014 | | In: Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah

Aqeedah Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah

This section will deal with a few books on the topic related to Imaan, that is Aqeedah. Click to download the following books: Fiqh al Akbar by Imam Abu Hanifa (80 H – 150 H) Aqeedatul Tahawiyyah by Imam Tahawi (239 H – 321 H) Aqeedatul Ash’ariyyah by Imam Ash’ari (260 H – 324 H)

October 23 , 2013 | | In: Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah

Can The People Of The Graves Hear?

This will deal with the proof from the holy Qur’an and the Hadith on the topic ‘can the people of the graves hear? Click to download the file: Can the people of the graves hear  

This will deal with the Proof from Hadith On Permissibility of Kissing the Hands Of Descendant of the prophet (s.a.w) and the ‘Ulama Click below to download the file: Kissing The Hands, Feet, Head, Cheek, Forehead, Body And Flank Of The Loved Ones Is A Sign Of Respect, Love and Welcoming

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