Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim
In the Name of ALLAH, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful


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Assalaamou'alaikum. This site has been set up to meet the demand of students opting for Islamic Studies at SC and HSC levels. At the same time it deals with the Madhhab and Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah along side with the activities of Al Madina Masjid La Butte Port Louis, Republic of Mauritius.

O you who believe obey Allah and obey the messenger and those who are in authority among you.
Perform Swalaat from the declining of the sun till the darkness of the night.
Fasting has been made obligatory upon you.
Spend your wealth for the cause of Allah.
Perform the pilgrimage and the visit for Allah.

port-louis, mauritius
swalaat times

Saturday, 27/07/2024
Fajr 05:26
Sunrise 06:36
Zuhr 12:13
Asr 16:03
Maghrib 17:40
Isha 18:53

HSC Category

March 28 , 2020 | | In: HSC

Islamic Studies HSC Syllabus 9488

New Syllabus (Islamic Studies)

Click To Download:

HSC Syllabus 9488 Paper 1

1.1 The Life Of Prophet Muhammad (s) Pdf

1.2 A Study Of Set Texts From The Qur’an Pdf

1.3 A Study Of Set Hadith Texts Pdf

1.4 Main Beliefs + Pdf + PowerPoint Show

1.5 Purification And Intention + Pdf + PowerPoint Show

1.6 Acts Of Devotion And Commitment + Pdf + PowerPoint Show

1.7 Putting Faith Into Action + Pdf + PowerPoint Show

HSC Syllabus 9488 Paper 2

2.1 Worship Pdf + Video 1 + Video 2 + Video 3

2.2 Family Life Pdf + Video 1 + Video 2 + Video 3 + Video 4

2.3 Finance and Employment Pdf + Video 1 + Video 2 + Video 3

2.4 Application of Islamic Law (check 2.5)

2.5 Sources of Islamic Law + Pdf + PowerPoint Show

2.6 The Oneness Of God + Pdf + PowerPoint Show

2.7 The Role Of Religious Leaders + Pdf + PowerPoint Show

2.8 Judgement And The Afterlife + Pdf + PowerPoint Show

2.9 Distinctive Positions Of Islamic Schools Of Thought

HSC Syllabus 9488 Paper 3

3.1 The Heritage Of The Umayyads Pdf 1 + Pdf 2 + Video 1 + Video 2

3.2 The Heritage Of The ‘Abbasids Pdf 1 + Pdf 2 + Video 1 + Video 2 + Video 3 + Video 4

3.3 Literature And Philosophy Pdf + PowerPoint Show

3.4 Architecture And Design Pdf + PowerPoint Show

HSC Syllabus 9488 Paper 4

4.1 Women In Islam Pdf + Video 1 + Video 2 + Video 3

4.2 Islam And Pluralism Pdf 1 + Pdf 2 + PowerPoint Show

4.3 Leadership Of The Muslims Pdf + PowerPoint Show

April 23 , 2017 | | In: HSC

Islamic Studies Syllabus 9013 Paper 22 (2) (Mauritius)

This is paper 22 (2) of Syllabus 9013 Islamic Studies at HSC level Download, Study and Share: Islamic Studies HSC P2 9013 22

April 23 , 2017 | | In: HSC

Islamic Studies Syllabus 9013 Paper 12 (1) (Mauritius)

This is for students opting Islamic Studies at HSC Level Syllabus 9013 Paper (1) 12 Download, Study and Share: Islamic Studies HSC P1 9013 12

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